Privacy Policy

The informative content about the scholarship is posted strictly for informational purposes and is not in any way affiliated with any of the scholarship agencies that are advertised on our platform. All the material that is published on is legally reserved courtesy of Scholarships-in-Canada.

We do not mandate any website to copy our material without giving credit to In the event that other parties copy our content or infringe what we publish here, we reserve the right to sue them as permitted by law.

We may gather information such as the first and last names or email addresses, IP addresses,  and other data of our users. This can be done through the integration of cookies that are in line with Google’s cookie policies (Google user data policies while using partner apps). Refer to our cookie policy page for more informative content.

Content Collection and Publishing

Information such as the names of people visiting our website who are in most instances students seeking scholarship opportunities may be collected in either of a couple of ways. The first one is through the use of the opt-in banner feature and the second one is through the sidebar widget. This data is entirely provided by Scholarships-in-Canada visitors on their own free will to enable the sending of emails on a regular basis concerning most of the fresh scholarships or notify them about fellowships.

In the event that there exists any big or small change concerning the privacy concerns at Scholarships-in-Canada site, we seek to inform users and visitors to see this page to find out about updates.

In the event that a user wishes to terminate Newsletter services of Scholarships-in-Canada, there is an option in the email tagged “Un-Subscribe” where you can terminate receiving updates from

Social Media

Our website Scholarships-in-Canada bears strong social media users. The scholarship opportunities that are communicated via our platform through social media sources bear updated information on the scholarships. Our aim is the social media campaigns to make certain that information is used in the right way. And provide legit information sources with application guidelines to guide new students from different parts of the world.

2022 Version of the privacy policy.

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