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High Paying British Jobs 2023 (Salaries & Qualifications Requirement)

You should know that Great Britain is still as great as it always was and still excels at attracting skilled foreigners from all around the world by offering them great salary packages with wonderful work and living environment and this is why i recommend all my overseas job seeker friends to consider UK for your job hunt in 2023!

I know most international job seeker friends wants move to Britain because their own homeland have less employment opportunities and business options thus this is how they look for high paying job options abroad and for that my first recommendation for all those job seekers is to apply for maximum number of jobs in UK so you can see yourself working here in next coming year!

So, if you are a foreigner who plans to move to Great Britain for work purpose then this article will help you to get help on which career is currently highly paid in the UK job market and what qualification would be needed to apply for its job.

List of Highest Paying Professions in UK for Foreigners

Lets now talk about required qualifications of each career path below for all high demand job professions in UK so if you have a degree and required work experience with training certificates with it then you will surely have no problem finding a job in UK in 2023:

  1. Lawyer Jobs in UK

As you know lawyer is a licensed professional that offers legal advice to their designated parties and in UK one can either work as a barrister or a solicitor but difference between the two is that barristers represent their clients in court while solicitors give legal support and for these professions in UK you must have a bachelor degree in law to purse this career path with SQE1 and SQE2 assessments, and qualifying law related work experience (QWE), and must also satisfy the requirements of Solicitor Regulation Authority’s (SRA) (Source British Law Society).

Whereas average salary of a lawyer in UK is around £48,414 but you can earn more if you get a higher degree after bachelors and then your average salary working as law practitioner in UK can reach up to £75,500 yearly.

  1. Judge Jobs in UK

Now lets talk about British judiciary jobs and in that occupation of Judge is another judicial sector job that has a high pay and instead of siding with their cases, a judge must make the decisions following a set of rules and regulations which means they are in charge of fates of cases presented in front of them.

So becoming a judge in UK is a lengthy and competitive process but high salary surely pays off for it and you will need about seven plus years of post-graduate work experience in practicing the law and with that you will need an undergraduate degree, a diploma in law and furthermore have some sort of professional bar or legal practice training and if you want to know salary of a British judge then they earn anywhere between £92,400 to £110,500.

  1. General Doctor Jobs in UK

To become a fully trained doctor in UK you must have a bachelor degree in medicine and with that you also need to provide proof of at least five years of relevant work experience and after getting recruited as a fully trained doctor in UK you will have two work options to start from NHS or at in any private sector in UK.

So lets talk about average salary of medical consultants in UK which is £114,003 maximum whereas general practitioners and specialty doctors salaries ranges from £63,268 to £93,967, respectively while other doctors in specialty training and doctors in simple training have salaries ranging from £39,467 to £53,077.

  1. Dentist Jobs in UK

Dentists occupation is in very high demand in UK as dental healthcare is quite expensive and sensitive work to carry out and to pursue dentistry in Britain you will be required to complete your dental school degree and have relevant dental work experience and with that you can then register with NHS (with  British government) or in private sector by joining a clinic or opening their own dental practice and the average salary of a dentist in Britain is £70,000.

  1. Optometrist Jobs in UK

Optometrist is another occupation that i found as one of the high paying and high demand jobs in UK because this is one of those professions for which skilled workers are hard to find in Britain and this is why overseas workers specialized in the fields of Optometrist are recruited and to become a certified optometrist in UK you may be required to complete a degree in optometry with that you must be registered with the General Optical Council and average salary of an optometrist in UK was recorded to be around £46,000.

  1. Plastic Surgeon Jobs in UK

Now lets talk about another high paying job in UK which is plastic surgeon occupation and these are bascially the medical professionals who perform cosmetic or reconstructive surgeries and for the jobs of a Plastic surgeon you may also be required to provide a medical degree and relevant training work experience of four+ years and the pay of plastic surgeon doctors in UK highly depends on how skillfully they perform surgeries like rhinoplasty, liposuction an any reconstructive surgeries whereas average salary of a plastic surgeon in UK is around £94,593.

  1. Human Resource Director

You may know that Human Resource Director is responsible for looking over all HR department in a company or organization which means this executive position is very important as they stand responsible for recruitment, management, and employee’s relation in the work environment and this is why most companies are finding it hard in UK to recruit professional and experienced HR managers and this is why they are looking to hire foreign HR managers to work in UK.

HR director is an in demand job in UK and to get employed in Uk as HR manager you must have possession of bachelor degree or a master degree in human resources, industrial psychology, or business administration and with that in addition, you may also need considerable amount of work experience in similar fields.

Now lets get familiar with average salary for a Human Resource Director which in UK is around £77,593 however, this salary increases if the position is for International HR Director or senior HR Director and that goes up to £90,000 or more depending on the company.

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